© 1993 Dowco
Dowco Distibuting Systems
AZ #9350589
Dow3 developed the
151 system (Log Base 10 Algorithm) with the knowledge from his Top Secret stint in the Navy from 1964-68. I was POIC of the ‘Tactical Communications Library’ (COMTAC) at the Logistics Command of the Commander of the Pacific Fleet. I applied that experience (PLE) to the ‘use’ of the Dowco system from 1978-Present. This is a UNIQUE trade secret, and determines fact from fiction (truth v falsehood) in dealing with change [+🔺-]. Distributor#3
has ‘USE OF’ the DOWCO Rights.
The CPA of Record (Shultz and Taylor) who did the 1981 Schedule C valued DOWCO at $250,000 on December 31, 1981.
(Evidence 81-1 Dowco.org)
Coughlin was selling DOWCO products out of the trunk of his car during this time using the DOWCO Revenue License #07 201339. (Offer period-Aug through December 1981 which was financed by Dowco). He would later ASSENT 🔺 into the AGREEMENT in February 1982. See BLOG here.
The Written Agreement is on Dowco.org
D H Ransom
AZ #9342264
1. A mark made to attest manufacture or quality or ownership.
2. Trademark / Trade Name / Domain / IP / Copyright © / AI
3. A public image, reputation, or identity conceived of as something to be marketed or promoted.
4. A tool used to produce a brand Dowco151™©
(1-2-3-4-5) 🔺
5. (v) To mark with disapproval (stigmatize).